One of my biggest frustration with the hospitality industry is the seasonality of some of the work. Sometimes, there is so much work you must start turning down shifts, but there are also times when you are begging others to give up their shifts. When faced with the dilemma of not having enough hours (or not enough money) most hospitality professionals seek other part-time jobs at other establishments to ensure the bills can be paid at the end of the month. However, if you are considering taking on a part time job to make ends meet, I would like to suggest a different and perhaps more innovative solution. A SIDE HUSTLE.


As individuals, we all crave financial freedom. One of the biggest causes for stress, anxiety and depression is financially related. Therefore, instead of trying to spend our spare time working hard in moving someone else’s business forward for a few extra dollars, does it not make more sense to focus that time and energy into our own business where he have full control over how much income it can provide? Not only is this an effective strategy, but a very important one for our long-term success and fulfillment. Side Hustle: any type of employment undertaken in addition to one’s full time job. Realistically, some of us still need some consistent income while we build our side business. Therefore, it’s important that we develop the right plan and focus every day on actionable items. To help get you started in moving in the right direction, it’s important to consider the following questions:
  • What are you talented at doing? What do others you are close to always comment on… examples could include how talented you are at drawing, art work, fashion sense etc.
  •  What do people come to you for advice for? Is there any overlap with what you do in your day job and what you want to pursue?
  •  Which industry are you most connected to? Look at your LinkedIn connections, and see what they do or what industry they work in.
  • Is there anything you have been eyeing, that you want to learn more about? This is the easiest way to determine what you are passionate about and could build into a side hustle.

Stay tuned for our next post that details the constructs of a successful side hustle in the hospitality industry. Please join us in our pursuit to engage all hospitality professionals/organizations in achieving long term fulfilling success by discovering what they are truly meant to do. We would love to hear your thoughts on our content and would very much appreciate any thoughts and suggestions on future material.

Mohamed Meghji [email protected] 604-861-4288