About Us

Are you experiencing levels of emptiness?

Do you feel stuck?

Do you feel unfulfilled in your professional career?

Are you contributing to something that matters to you?

I will never forget the third Wednesday of October 2012. I was getting ready to leave for my sister in laws engagement (which was to take place in Minnesota), but still had a lot of work that needed to get done prior to my departure. I stepped into the hotel (I was the Director of HR of a world-class brand at the time) and something just didn’t feel right. I took pride in the fact that I was in love with my job so much, that my identity as a person was attached to it. My entire sense of being was linked to the fact that “I was the Director of HR of a renowned hotel.”

However, in October of 2012 my entire sense of being and existence was dismantled. To paint a vivid picture, my boss at the time (he had only been in the role for a few months) came to visit me in my office (a rare occurrence), and in a typical heartless fashion, quickly and quietly informed me that my Human Resources Department was being eliminated and that my services were no longer required.

To be honest, everything he said thereafter was a blur. All I could think about was for the past 7 years, I had dedicated my entire existence to this job. I had sacrificed my social life, time away from my family, and my own well-being for the hotel and its employees. And now, my thanks for all my years of service, was a nicely gift wrapped envelope that he had placed in my hands as I sat there in complete shock and awe.

As of this moment, I can honestly say that I have yet to fully recover from this moment that rocked my world. I will spare you the details, but I will share with you the fact that I did go into a very dark place; one that I hope no one ever must endure (and a key reason why I created this organization).

However, the good news is that I did manage to put myself together again, but it was a long and painful journey. I read every self-help book, focused on my own personal well-being, watched countless hours of inspirational videos, engaged with countless experts as well furthering my own professional development.

This search-finding escapade lead me to the following conclusion: My identity was tied to my job, and when this was lost, I felt as though I had lost myself. The sad truth is that, who we are as people is not defined by what we do for a living. Therefore, the goal became to search for who I truly was as a person and for what would make me feel alive that was in direct alignment with who I was at my core. But how does one even begin this journey?

I consider myself lucky that due to my circumstances, I was forced to go on this journey, but it was still not easy to re-connect with myself and truly understand what my purpose in life was. The sad reality is that most of the world’s workforce is “dead.” 78% are disengaged with their jobs and in the hospitality industry, its no different, in fact, it might be worse.

Through this journey I learnt that everyday is an opportunity to get better. The most critical factor in seizing this opportunity is ones well-being.

I discovered that my passion is revolutionizing workplace wellbeing!

Be well, 

Our Philosophy

Strategic Alignment

Together, we work to create your definition of success and map out an action plan to ensure you acheive YOUR version of greatness. Our process will ensure “your best self” is in alignment with all aspects of your life.


We are at our best when provided with the opportunity to help and assist others as they search for true meaning and purpose. Research shows those who know, understand and act on their true purpose are more happier and successful then those who do not. Yet, 80% of us are working in jobs that are not our dream jobs. Our focus is creating alignment between your “why” and your career.


Research shows when you are more positive, you are more creative which leads to more effective decisions and thus, a happier life. We create an environment for our guests built on this principle to ensure they are progressing towards the achievement of all thier goals.

Our Team

The above story is based on my challenges and experiences within the hospitality industry. My name is Mohamed Meghji and no matter what issue I was faced with, I would tackle it with a positive attitude. Growing up, I was often bullied for my name and being a Muslim. However, this is why I was given the nickname Mumdoo (an Arabic term coined for being positive) growing up, since I always made the best of each situation! Moving forward, it would now be my sincere honour and pleasure to partner in your success and help you make the best of your situation.

I graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelors in Commerce, where I majored in Human Resources. In addition, I have completed my Coaching Certificate in the Art and Science of Coaching.

Working in the hospitality industry, I would love training and development as well as working one-on-one with our employees/managers and assisting them in their challenges. I have finally realized that my true purpose is to drive engagement and wellbeing through the creation of professional development courses and coaching services.  My calling is to revolutionize workplace wellbeing!

We believe everyday is an opportunity to get better.

Get In Touch

Coach Mumdoo Inc.

Hospitality Coaching and Consulting

+1 604 861 4288
[email protected]

acheive YOUR version of greatness