We all have days when we are just not at our best, for whatever reasons. Sometimes we are overworked, the daily stresses of life get in the way and we are just not motivated enough to push past the pain.

When we start to experience these feelings, its important and critical to listen to your body. The body is telling you that it’s time to take a break and slow down. So, the question is what should you do on your “body recommended” break? Watch Movies!

The Science behind movies:

The reason movies can have a profound impact is basically the same reason we yawn when we see someone else yawning: mirror neurons. When these mirror neurons fire, they “mirror” the behavior of the character on the screen, causing the observer to feel as though they were performing the action themselves.

3 Movies you probably have never watched!

Now, I won’t tell you what these movies are about, all I will say is that these recommendations are for anyone who needs a good spark in pushing towards their dream!

⦁ PK
⦁ Pay It Forward

Enjoy the movies and let us know any “diamond in the rough” suggestions you have!
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Mohamed Meghji
[email protected]